A Passion For Paisley
Love the neutral Pallette and Clean Look of this Room - I Noticed how it really comes to Life with the Magenta Flowers & Throw - And that Bold adaption of the Paisley Motif-! (Desiger:Jill Brinson-House Beautiful - Dec-2009)
What is the mysterious allure of Paisley-? These curvaceous, organic, almost embryonic Tear Drop Shapes-? They seen to intrigue us - even when arranged in regimented, uniform simplicity - Just as well as the more intricate patterns imaginable-! Is it that they often recall their exotic Persian Heritage-?
The "Paisley Motif"' dates back to 17th Century Kashmir shawl patterns - derived from Persian Flora Ornament. These shawls were much valued and worn by the ruling Mughal Court.
As the 18th Century progressed - the demand for handwoven Kashmir shawls grew - and were worn by wealthy women of fashion in Europe and Russia. (The Patterns became known as "paisley" from the name Paisley, Scotland - where many of thes textiles were produced.)
Although the Fashion for shawls passed - the Paisley Patterns lived on to become as varied and colorful as the designers imaginations-!

Images: "World of Interiors" May-2009