Flower Power

With my carefully designed Garden Plan in hand, I ventured forth with a friend, to look for Seeds. We found many - almost enough for a "Royal Garden" -! Hopefully, the days will be warmer now to propagate them-!
Satisfied with our sensitive selection of Seed - We just had to peep into the "live" plant section of the Garden Store. I really didn't expect to see much in Bloom yet.
I don't know why but, I found myself attracted to the most radiant Pink-Orange-Gold Snapdragons and Bright-faced -very Orange Violas. These were totally OFF my Flower Color Plan-! So I also bought some lovely Pink Ranunculas and Lavender Pansies to see if they might all work well together.
Actually, I think they did - I love Orange with Pink and Light Blue - so Fresh-! Then for more freshness - I painted in a branch of miniature Oranges - some sprigs of Plums, Blueberries, and a Sweet Golden Sparrow-!
Satisfied with our sensitive selection of Seed - We just had to peep into the "live" plant section of the Garden Store. I really didn't expect to see much in Bloom yet.
I don't know why but, I found myself attracted to the most radiant Pink-Orange-Gold Snapdragons and Bright-faced -very Orange Violas. These were totally OFF my Flower Color Plan-! So I also bought some lovely Pink Ranunculas and Lavender Pansies to see if they might all work well together.
Actually, I think they did - I love Orange with Pink and Light Blue - so Fresh-! Then for more freshness - I painted in a branch of miniature Oranges - some sprigs of Plums, Blueberries, and a Sweet Golden Sparrow-!

All the choices are for Color and for Annuals & Perennials that are supposedly Deer-Resistant-!
Deer tend to avoid plants with unusual characteristics. They usually shy away from plants that have a strong flower or foliage fragrance - or fuzzy/spiny leaf textures.
Deer tend to avoid plants with unusual characteristics. They usually shy away from plants that have a strong flower or foliage fragrance - or fuzzy/spiny leaf textures.

Love the Extraordinary Soft Light and the Lush Green of the Surrounding Garden and Grounds-!
Image from: "The Garden Room" By Timothy Mawson - Clarkson Potter - N.Y. ( This book captures the charms of twenty unique Garden Rooms - which offer a wealth of design inspirations-!