Tablescape with Blue Vase

"Tablescape with Blue Vase"- Acrylic on Canvas
17" x 20" By Mary Maki Rae - 2018 (c)
Working on more Summer paintings - again with a "softer edge".
Enjoy the kind of "misty feeling" of the lightly layered backgrounds - then adding the "more defined" objects - flowers and birds for contrast-!
Also enjoy the new little "fish tile" that I added in last-! (It's actually a lovely blue & white pattern - but I thought just painted White - created the perfect balance in the painting-!) 
We're experiencing a 80 - 90 degree "Heat Wave" here in the Northwest - this week - which we're not acclimated to usually -however the Mornings are cool and comfortable to work in the Studio. 

"Tablescape with Blue Vase" Mary Maki Rae -2018 (o)

"The new "Summer Palette"  MMR 2018(c)

"The Garden In July" Acrylic on Canvas 18"x 24"
 Mary Maki Rae (c)
Painted this Canvas - Summers ago - still enjoy it-! It has a little of that   "elusive - misty feeling" that seems to come with the warmth of a July Summer-!



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