Style & Seduction

"Marie-Antionette" 1783 - Elisabeth Vigee-LeBurn
A Delightful Catalog/Book published by The Metropolitian Museum of Arts Costume Institute.
Inspired by Jean-Francois de Bastide's erotic novella "La Petite Maison", the exhibition catalog/book entitled "Dangerous Liaisons", explores the idea that in 18th Century France, fashion and furniture were intended to attact, arouse, and ultimately, to seduce. (Has anything really changed-?)
This Catalog/Book presents a series of dramatic vignettes displayed in the Museum rooms, where equal prominence is given to fashions of the day, and the applied arts. It also contains 18th Century prints, drawings, and paintings documenting the insouciant, carefree, life of the ancien regime elite - which also served as inspiration for the vignettes. (a Babette's feast for the eyes-!)
Inspired by Jean-Francois de Bastide's erotic novella "La Petite Maison", the exhibition catalog/book entitled "Dangerous Liaisons", explores the idea that in 18th Century France, fashion and furniture were intended to attact, arouse, and ultimately, to seduce. (Has anything really changed-?)
This Catalog/Book presents a series of dramatic vignettes displayed in the Museum rooms, where equal prominence is given to fashions of the day, and the applied arts. It also contains 18th Century prints, drawings, and paintings documenting the insouciant, carefree, life of the ancien regime elite - which also served as inspiration for the vignettes. (a Babette's feast for the eyes-!)

"Portrait with Harp" 1790 - Rose Adelaide Ducreux
(Music lessons always provided a "window of opportunity)

The 18th Century interior, was a highly articulated landscape in which many diverse objects enhanced the pursuit of leisure. This design sophistication was regarded as uniquely Modern and French - a sensitivity to personal comfort and convenience that existed in no other place or time-!
THE BOOK: "Dangerous Liaisons": Fashion and Furniture in the 18th Century"
By Harold Koda and Andrew Bolton, Published By The Metropolitan Museum
of Arts Costume Institute, N.Y.
THE BOOK: "Dangerous Liaisons": Fashion and Furniture in the 18th Century"
By Harold Koda and Andrew Bolton, Published By The Metropolitan Museum
of Arts Costume Institute, N.Y.
"What pleases the Eye enriches the Soul"