Royal Persian Paintings - I

This book is a "must have" for anyone who Loves Fine Art, Costume Design,and History-! These Persian Paintings from the "Qajar Epoch" have always fascinated me with their "other worldliness". Finally a book with a divine "collection" of these paintings to enjoy-!
The Royals stare back at us so serene, yet so confident with their doe-like eyes.
One marvels at their delicate features and their elegant, ornate, "over-the-top" costumes - most often bordered in White -! What was that white trim-?
Embroidery-? Lace-? -- No, come to find out, the White Edging was actually Pearls-!
Just imagine how many tiny pearls, and how long to finish one piece of their exquisite finery -- the stuff of Fairy Tales indeed-!
This Art celebrates their Royal magnificence, youthful beauty of both sexes, love of animal forms, and the exploits of their Heroes.
The Portraits and Flower Paintings of the Qajar Artists surpassed all their predecessors-!
THE BOOK:"Royal Persian Paintings - The Qajar Epoch - 1785-1925"
Edited By Layla S. Diba - Brooklyn Museum of Art 1999
The Royals stare back at us so serene, yet so confident with their doe-like eyes.
One marvels at their delicate features and their elegant, ornate, "over-the-top" costumes - most often bordered in White -! What was that white trim-?
Embroidery-? Lace-? -- No, come to find out, the White Edging was actually Pearls-!
Just imagine how many tiny pearls, and how long to finish one piece of their exquisite finery -- the stuff of Fairy Tales indeed-!
This Art celebrates their Royal magnificence, youthful beauty of both sexes, love of animal forms, and the exploits of their Heroes.
The Portraits and Flower Paintings of the Qajar Artists surpassed all their predecessors-!
THE BOOK:"Royal Persian Paintings - The Qajar Epoch - 1785-1925"
Edited By Layla S. Diba - Brooklyn Museum of Art 1999