Flower Garden Muse

Garden Muse - 14"x 20" - Acrylic on Canvas - By Mary Maki Rae - 2008

While walking through my imaginary Garden, You may encounter a Garden Muse.
Not to worry, She only wants you to Notice the Beauty that resides in All Nature. Especially the Flowers - She joggles them around until something clicks, and a new equation just seems to fall into place - to delight your senses, to make you smile, to pause for a moment-!

My Flower Garden Muse,
has placed her
Aside for a moment.

She looks into
the Mirror,
(that is your eyes)
to admire
her Flower Halo.

She regards
the vibrant Red Rose
as Queen Bee
of the bouquet,
Attended by
and hot pink

She observes
two Lavender Cosmos
waving for
(somehow charming anyway-!)

She spies a few
Bright flashes
of Yellow Sunshine
(Pansy & Mini Cosmos).

And finally,
some soothing
Sprigs of Blueberries,
Arranged by her
Royal Blue Dove.
(Her heart seems at ease,
for now. . . .) MMR


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